Klip Honda G200 I. specijala sa osovinom

SKU: 8R50-46-010


Dostupno odmahAvailable

Dostupno odmahAvailable

  • Besplatna dostava i 5% popusta za narudžbe iznad 65 €
  • Brza dostava 1 radni dan GLS dostavnom službom
  • Plaćanje:
    • Otkupnina - plaćanje prilikom preuzimanja
    • Kreditna kartica - jednokratno ili na rate (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners)
    • Ponuda - plaćanje Internet bankarstvom ili općom uplatnicom
  • 5% discount for orders above €65
  • Rapid delivery of GLS by delivery service
  • Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners)
SKU: 8R50-46-010 Kategorija: Oznaka:

yØ 67,25

Dodatne informacije

Težina 0,238 kg


  • Roba naručena u našoj internetskoj trgovini šalje se u najkraćem mogućem roku
  • CHESI d.o.o. nudi uslugu dostave robe GLS dostavnom službom bilo gdje na području Republike Hrvatske, uključujući i otoke (neki jako udaljeni hrvatski otoci imaju drugačiju cijenu dostave jer se dostavljaju u suradnji s Hrvatskom poštom)
  • Cijena dostave je 6,25€ za sve vrste plaćanja.
  • Za web narudžbe u vrijednosti iznad 65€ dostava je besplatna
  • Pouzećem isporučujemo robu do maksimalnog iznosa 650€
  • Osobno preuzimanje u poslovnici u Koprivnici svaki radni dan od 7- 15 sati. Subota i nedjelja zatvoreno. Obavezna prethodna narudžba preko webshopa uz plaćanje karticom kod narudžbe bez troškova dostave
  • Goods ordered in our online store shall be sent as soon as possible.
  • CHESI d.o.o. offers the service of delivery of goods anywhere in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, including islands.
  • Delivery price is 6.25 € for all types of payments.
  • For web orders above €65 , delivery is free of charge.
  • We send the goods to the GLS delivery service, including the islands.
  • We deliver goods by mail up to a maximum amount of €650
  • Personal download at the office in Koprivnica every working day from 7 to 15 hours. Saturday and Sunday closed. A prior order is required via a webshop with a card at the order without delivery costs.

Način plaćanjaPayment method

CHESI D.O.O. Vam osigurava plaćanje jednokratno karticama ili mobilnim/Internet bankarstvom te virmanom (općom uplatnicom):
1. Pouzeće (plaćanje dostavljaču GLS-a prilikom preuzimanja paketa)
2. Plaćanje kreditnim karticama:
  • PBZ Premium Card (bivša American Express), Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners jednokratno
  • PBZ Premium Card kreditnom karticom do 12 rata
  • Diners kreditnom karticom do 24 rate
  • Visa i Master karticama Zagrebačke banke do 12 rata
  • Maestro, Master Card i Visa Erste banke do 12 rata
  • Visa i Maestro Privredne banke do 12 rata

VAŽNO! Kod osobnog preuzimanja obvezno je plaćanje unaprijed karticom kod naručivanja preko webshopa bez troška dostave. Plaćanje karticom ili gotovinom direktno u poslovnici nije moguće.

3. Virmansko plaćanje – opća uplatnica (mobilno/Internet bankarstvo)
-opcija moguća kod narudžbi čiji ukupan iznos za proizvode prelazi 40€ ili za manje iznose upitati za ponudu na mail info@agromoto.hr

Kod izbora ovog načina plaćanja, na svoju e-mail adresu ćete dobiti predračun sa svim podacima potrebnim za uplatu, uključujući broj računa na koji trebate uplatiti vrijednost narudžbe. Uplatu potom možete izvršiti korištenjem internet bankarstva ili načinom na koji inače plaćate svoje račune – putem banke, pošte, Fine ili sl.Po zaprimljenoj uplati, poslat ćemo vam naručene proizvode. NAPOMENA: za virmanske uplate, roba se isporučuje tek nakon što uplatu proknjižimo (prema izvodima iz banke – u pravilu, sljedeći radni dan). Corvus INFO d.o.o. ne pohranjuje sigurnosni kod (CCV) s (debitne, kreditne) kartice Kupca. CCV je troznamenkasti ili četveroznamenkasti broj koji Kupac zasebno upisuje prilikom procesa plaćanja karticom. Taj broj će Kupac i dalje sam unositi kao dodatnu sigurnosnu provjeru. CHESI D.O.O. stoga upozorava Kupca da brine o podacima navedenim na kartici kako ti podaci ne bi bili dostupni trećim osobama te kako ne bi bili zlouporabljeni.

Nudimo Vam količinske popuste i prednosti: za narudžbe iznad 65€ popust 5%
CHESI D.O.O. provides payment with one-time cards or mobile/Internet banking and virgin (general payment slip):
  1. Credit card payment:
  • PBZ Premium card (former American Express), Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners one-time
  • PBZ Premium card credit card up to 12 instalments
  • Diners credit card up to 24 instalments
  • Visa and Master cards from Zagrebačka banka up to 12 wars
  • Maestro, Master card and Visa Erste Bank up to 12 wars
  • Visa and Maestro Privredna Banka up to 12 instalments
IMPORTANT! In the case of personal pick-up, pre-payment is required by card at the time of ordering via a webshop without the cost of delivery. Payment by card or cash directly at the branch office is not possible.
    1. Pick-up (payment to GLS messenger when parcel is downloaded)
    2. Virgin payment — General payment (mobile/Internet banking)- option possible for orders with a total amount of more than €40 for products or for smaller amounts ask for an offer via e-mail info@logotip.biz
When choosing this payment method, you will receive a pre-invoice to your e-mail address with all the information necessary for payment, including the account number to which you need to pay the order value. You can then make the payment using internet banking or the way you usually pay your bills – via bank, post, Fine or the like. After payment is received, we will send you ordered products. NOTE: for virgin payments, the goods are delivered only after we have booked the payment (according to bank statements – as a rule, the next business day). Corvus INFO d.o.o. DOES not store the security code (CCV) with the customers (debit, credit) card. CCV is a three - or four-digit number entered separately by the Customer during the card payment process. This number will continue to be entered by the Customer as an additional security check. CHESI D.O.O. therefore warns the buyer to take care of the data listed on the card so that such data would not be available to third parties and that they would not be misused.
  • We offer you quantity discounts and benefits:
  • for orders above €65 discount 5%

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